As you read these words and think about how they might apply to you, think back to your reasons for deciding to get this. Think about what you were intending. Think about your desired outcome. As you continue to follow along, consider a time when you were able to sit back and take a look at the big picture. An overview. That is what this guide is. An overview of the ideas, mechanisms and strategies that will help you to get whatever you want out of life.
Since you are reading this now and are likely interested in self-development, you have probably heard many statements and truisms that get you nodding your head thinking, “Uh-huh, that’s right!” Things like, “Name it and claim it,” or “If you can conceive it, you can achieve it,” or maybe “Inch by inch, life’s a cinch!” Of course, these are repeated over and over by many people for many reasons. They sound good. They make us feel good when we say them. They make us feel like we really can get whatever we want. What they don’t do is tell us precisely how we can get those things. In this guide, you will learn. You will learn the fundamental ideas behind what you really are. You will learn your overall purpose as a human living on this planet during this particular time in history. You learn how to take your general desires, that we all share, and turn them into a specific plan that is unique to you. You’ll develop a deep understanding of human nature, our common human fears, and how you can overcome them. Make no mistake, this will take effort.
If achieving riches, a gorgeous body and a beachfront mansion were as easy as visualizing the right images and saying the right meditations, we’d all have them. But as you undoubtedly know, most people fall far short of what they are capable of. You have fallen far short of what you are capable of. The truth about you is that you were not put here to be a receiver. To be passive agent waiting for the gods to bestow you with gifts. You are a non-stop creation machine. A self-supporting entity whose true purpose is hidden. Why is it hidden? Why not give us an owner’s manual, a step by step guide to riches on our eighteenth birthday? Consider the following mind experiment to understand why that isn’t so.
Think of something that you received freely as a gift. Perhaps on your birthday or other special event. Something worth a considerable amount of money. Perhaps it was something you wanted and expected. Or perhaps it was something that was a complete surprise. Think of that now. Think of how you felt when you first received it. Take some time, close your eyes and put yourself back into that experience. Now put yourself a month or two after the event. Relive that time. Put yourself in that experience, a month or two after you’d received it. Close your eyes and think about that. Now repeat the process, but six months to a year after you’d received it. Close your eyes and visualize yourself receiving that six months to a year after the event. How does that feel? How strong is the feeling six months or so after, compared to right when you received it?
Now think of something you achieved on your own. Maybe something you’ve been saving your money to buy for a while. Maybe a significant amount of weight you’d lost. Perhaps a relationship you put a lot of work into creating. Perhaps something you built with your own hands. Something that was mostly in your control. The thing itself, the effort that went into creating it, and the timeframe. Think of the moment you’d manifested that thing. Close your eyes and think of that now. Now imagine a time six months after it happened. Imagine that now. Now think of a time one year after it happened. Imagine that now. How does the feeling change when you look at it from different time perspectives? Chances are that when you think of that, even now, it feels much better than something you received.
This is the difference between a life filled with events that were created by you, compared to a life of simply receiving things from others, or the gods, or some mysterious law of the universe. This is what this guide is all about. If you wanted to bake a cake, you would need to know how to operate an oven, a mixer, and various measuring equipment. If you wanted to create a song, you’d need to understand music theory, chord progressions, and various instrument arrangements. The more complex the task, the more complex the components required to achieve it. That is what this guide is about. You will learn the secrets of the mind, the origins of the fears that have held you back, and the necessary tools to create anything you want.
How to Use This Guide
While there is no right way or wrong way to use the information herein, it is recommended that you first read through this once. You’ll find many of the chapters have exercises at the end. Try to do at least one of the exercises on a daily basis. Ultimately, the things you do on a daily basis will guide you to which of the exercises are best.
Everything that you want in life will require some kind activity or behavior, which will generate some kind of feedback. For example, if your desire is to become the best basketball player in the world, one particular activity may be to shoot one hundred free throws. The feedback would be how many you made, and how many you missed. Because writing in a daily journal is an extremely beneficial way to accelerate your progress, it’s recommended to start doing this now. Take anything you’d like, vague or specific. Sixty-seven dollars by next Friday. A ton of money as soon as possible. Simply write down at the top of a text file what your particular goal is. Then under that, write two more sentences, at a minimum. The first sentence is what you did.
The second sentence is what happened. For example, your goal could be something as simple and as vague as “Lots of money.” The statement of what you did could be as simple as “I dreamed about having lots of money.” Then the next statement, what happened, could be as simple as “I thought of what it would be like if I had lots of money.” There is no right or wrong way to do this. This is to get into the habit of writing down three things. Your goals, your actions, and the results.
On a fresh text file, write down the following, every night before you go to sleep:
What Do I Want?
What Did I Do About It?
What Happened?