Sometimes businesses have the need to think outside the box of traditional marketing techniques and get more creative at generating sales. These guerrilla techniques don’t rely on advertising, and therefore typically cost less money to implement. While these techniques can prove very useful to businesses, it is important that as consumers we are aware of all the techniques they are willing to utilize to draw us in. Keep in mind that the business will always use the techniques which benefit them the most. They always have their best interests at heart—not ours.
- Coupons
These can be distributed in flyers through the mail, in email inboxes, on websites, handed out in person, printed on receipts, or in a variety of other ways. Coupons can be a very effective way to generate business. As a consumer, you must be savvy to comparison shop between stores to make sure that you are really getting the best deal you can. You must also be cognizant of the amount of items or size that the coupon requires you to buy so that you aren’t buying more than you will reasonably use, or spending more than you intend.
- Contests
Promotional contests can be a unique way for businesses to create buzz and draw in new customers. The popularity of contests may draw attention from the media and result in free advertising for the business. As a consumer, be sure to read the fine print of the contest rules and make sure that a purchase is not necessary to enter.
- Frequent buyers
Stores and other businesses often have frequent buyer programs in place which reward customers for their loyalty. They may give customers cash back coupons they can use on a future purchase after they have earned a certain number of points, or use a punch card to award customers a free sandwich after they have purchased a set number. Keep in mind that customers are expected to make a large number of purchases before receiving a reward.
- Exclusive offers
Some stores may offer sneak previews of new items or products that can only be purchased by loyal customers. This increases the likelihood that the customers will want to stay dedicated to the business.
- New customer incentives
Businesses often offer special prices or free gifts to entice new customers to try their products. Be sure you know what is expected of you in order to receive those incentives.
- The worst (or best) marketing tricks
They make you feel like you are a part of something.
They make us feel like a valued customer. We come to feel connected to a brand or business. Certain brands can make us feel like we belong, and can contribute to the image we have of ourselves and who we want to be.
- Repetition makes a lasting impression
Slogans and jingles can play an important role in our spending decisions. While we do not usually believe them right away at face value, over time, with repetition, they begin to enter our subconscious, often without us realizing it. We begin to believe that the words in the slogan and jingle are true. When we are looking at two products or businesses we don’t have any other previous experience with, we are more likely to draw upon the only information we have and give the one with the catchy advertising a chance.
- They make the inhuman human
Think about the number of advertisements that incorporate animals (real, mascots, or cartoons). There are a great deal which utilize this technique because it is such an effective one. It is so effective because advertisers know that when animals are given human characteristics, people tend to suspend any feeling of disbelief, assign them personalities in our minds, and connect to the brand. We are often suspicious of what people say in commercials because we realize they are paid actors, so we may be more likely to trust the message if it comes from an animal.
- We associate a common phrase with them
Remember our old friends the slogan and jingle? While they play an important role through repetition, they also play another important role in their simplicity and ease of recall. When a slogan or jingle is short, simple, catchy, and easy to remember and repeat, it is very powerful.
- They target young audiences
While children may not hold the household money in their possession, they are very influential with their parents about how it should be spent. Kids are easily persuaded through advertisements. Businesses like to capitalize on this in order to build a loyal fan base from a young age.
Key Takeaways:
- Advertisers utilize many powerful marketing tricks to convince us to buy their products or frequent their businesses. We must be aware of these tricks if we want to make informed and objective purchasing decisions.
- In our desire to score a good deal, we may mistakenly spend more than we intend or purchase more items than we want and need, if we aren’t careful.
- Businesses are always looking out for their own best interests, so we should view sales and special offers with a skeptical eye, knowing that they are designed to pull in our business not to reward us.
- Businesses thrive when a connection is made between consumers and their brand. They accomplish this by using techniques such as repetition, simple, catchy slogans and jingles, and targeting young audiences with their advertising.