You have much more potential that you imagine. This is true for everybody. But most people misunderstand what this means. This does not mean you can potentially be discovered one day while walking down the street and be turned into a movie star. This doesn’t mean you may one day sing a song on YouTube and land a recording contract. This doesn’t mean that you’ll casually write a novel in your spare time and become a millionaire overnight. Sure, these things do happen, but since they happen to very few people, we need a much more realistic strategy. So, how do you tap your natural potential to create a life of magnificent achievement? It all hinges on your understanding of your nature, of somebody who is a consistent achiever. Whether you know it or now, acknowledge it or not, you simply could not be alive, be human, and be capable of reading these words unless you consistently achieved success every single day.

You Are a Consistent Achiever

What does this mean? This means that each and every day you take successful action. You cannot not take action. Almost all action you take is successful. You are a goal seeking, and goal getting organism. Even sitting or standing while you read this (or maybe running on the treadmill or doing something else) you are always shifting to maintain your balance or an otherwise comfortable position. Your subconscious is always evaluating your state, looking out into the future and imagining a better state. Then it sends impulses to your muscles, so you shift, and realize that imagined future state.

Nature of Action

All humans are action oriented. All animals are action oriented. Even plants. They move, very slowly, and are fixed in the ground, but they physically change. Higher mammals like primates can sometimes reason, plan ahead, and run elaborate cons on their friends, but humans are at the top of the heap. We can actually plan our actions consciously to achieve our desires.

Nature of Wants

No matter what your desires are, they are only fulfilled for a short amount of time. Once you shift, it’s only a matter of time before you shift again. Once you sink into that hot bath, it’s only a matter of time before you want to get out. Once you start eating that delicious meal, it’s only a matter of time before eating another bite is the last thing on your mind. You are always acting because your needs can always and only be satisfied for a short amount of time. New mothers want nothing more than to pick up their babies when they cry. But once they are quiet, and the mother’s back starts to get sore, they start to want to put them down, if only for a little bit. The transition from unthinking mammals to thinking, rational humans was a long one that took many hundreds of thousands of years. Yet here we are, many of us living our lives based only on our instincts, without taking the time to rationally choose our day to day goals, and rationally choose the best actions that will help us get there. Advertisers and politicians love us for that.

Never Ending Wants

No who you are, no matter where you go, no matter what stage of life you are in, you will have a never-ending series of wants and desires. Think of eating as an example. You will always be hungry when you don’t eat for a few hours. Our ancient ancestors who didn’t get hungry all the time never ate. Which meant they died before they had any kids, so they didn’t pass on any of those “never get hungry” genes. But you can manage your hunger, or you can let your hunger manage you. You can choose what to eat to satisfy your hunger, based on the body you are consciously intending to create, or you can let your hunger control you, and hope for the best. If you take a look around at your local shopping mall, you’ll see that most people use the “hope for the best” strategy.

Circle or Stairway – Your Choice

Think of it this way. Your instincts are numerous. They are very powerful. They cannot be ignored, no matter how many books you read or self-help seminars you attend. They will always be there. Every single day until the day you take your very last breath. (And even then your hair will still grow!) It’s up to you to manage your instincts or let them manage you. Every day you will be taking action to achieve many, many small goals. You can choose the goals consciously, to slowly build up to a massive life of creation and magnificence. Or you can go in circles, and wonder what in the heck happened when you get to the end of your life. Your hunger can “mean” that it’s time to eat a cheeseburger, or can it “mean” it’s time for you to eat something that will help you create that body you’d like. Being bored may “mean” it’s time to turn on the TV, or it may “mean” it’s time to take a walk outside while listening to an informative podcast. Feeling lonely may “mean” it’s time to check your Facebook, or it mean “mean” that it’s time to check for any clubs or organizations you can join, or maybe just head on down to the corner bar, order a coke and start up a conversation with somebody interesting. Your daily actions can be used purely to kill time, so you don’t die of boredom. Or they could be small pieces of your life that you are creating, day by day.


Write down your ideal goals, dreams or wishes in the following categories:







At the end of the day, think of things you did, which you could have done slightly differently in light of making those dreams closer to reality.

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